Professor in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo University

Name: Amr Bastawisy
Date of birth: 3rd of November 1963
Nationality: Egyptian
Marital status: Married and have two daughters and
two sons.
Clinic Address:
1- 5 Murad street, suite 204
Giza, Post code 12211, Egypt
2- Grand Clinic
Zamazam tower (2), 4th Floor,
Vs. Al Hosary Mosque
6th of October city
Home Address: Villa 334, 4th touristic village
6th of October city
Personal mobile (Cellular): +20-100-1040503
Giza Clinic:
- Tel & Fax: +202-35725543
- Tel: +202-35725539
- Mob: +2010-00281833
Grand Clinic:
- Tel & Fax: +202-38362659
- Tel & Fax: +202-38381540
- Mob.: +20109-8881111
E mail:
Web Site:
Present positions:
- Professor in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Kasr Al Aini Faculty of Medicine , Cairo University, Manial, Cairo, EGYPT since 2005 till date. Tel: +202-3655697 .
- Owner and medical director of GRAND CLINIC in 6th of October city since June 2010 till date.
- Abol Hool Al Kawmeya preparatory school: From 1968 to 1971.
- Manial Al Roda preparatory School: from 1972 to 1973.
- Okba Ibn Nafe High School: From 1974 to 1979.
- Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University:
- # Undergraduate study from 1980 to 1986.
- # Postgraduate study from 1987 to 1995.
Basic Medical Qualifications: (All from Kasr Al Aini Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University)
- M.B.,B.Ch.: November,1986 : Very good.
- M.Sc. (General Surgery): November, 1990 : Very good.
- M.D. (Cardiothoracic Surgery): 1995
Previous positions (Academic, University and Governmental):
- March 1987 to February 1988: Intern, Cairo University Hospitals.
- March 1988 to March 1991: Resident in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo University Hospitals.
- July 1992 to December 1992: Assistant Specialist in Cardiac Surgery, the surgical department of "The National Heart Institute ", Imbaba, Giza, Egypt.
- January 1993 to May 1995: Assistant lecturer in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Kasr Al Aini Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.
- May 1995 to August 2000 : Lecturer and Consultant Surgeon in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine , Cairo University, Manial, Cairo, EGYPT
- August 2000 to September 2005 : Associate Professor in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine , Cairo University, Manial, Cairo, EGYPT.
- September 2005 till date: Professor in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo University.
- 1995 till date : Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery, The New kasr Al Aini Teaching Hospital, Cairo University, Cairo, EGYPT. Tel: +202-3654130, +202-3654131. Fax: +202-3654133
- During 2001 : Director, Unit of fiber-optic bronchoscopy and chest surgery, The National Oncology Institute, Aswan, Egypt.
- Acting Chairman & Founder of the first Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of medicine, Bany Swaif University ( January 2009 - March 2012).
- Part-Time professor in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Misr University for Science & Technology (MUST), since March 2010 till Nov. 2012.
- Full-time professor, chairman and founder of the first Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Misr University for Science & Technology (MUST) (Nov. 20111 – Feb. 2019), performing the first open heart surgery case in the university hospital on 27 March 2013.
- General Director, The Memorial Souad Kafafi University Hospital, MUST University (February 2014–February 2019). I was able to transfer this hospital to one of the best hospitals in Egypt providing elite medical service and at the same time providing great community services to the poor, locally in 6th of October city and country-wide via medical convoys using the one and only “Field Hospital” in the civilian sector. N.B; I was able to create the whole design of the hospital and the mobile operating rooms on trucks. 18 medical convoys were performed all around Egypt in 22 months providing medical and surgical services to about 450 thousands of patients.
- Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Misr University for Science & Technology
(July 2016-March 2018).
- University Official Spokesman, Misr University for Science & Technology
( March 2018 - February 2019).
- Vice President for Medical Sector, Misr University for Science & Technology
(March 2018 - February 2019.
Previous positions (Private):
- March 1991 - December 1991: Part - time doctor in the surgical intensive care unit, As-Salam International Hospital, Maadi, Cairo.
- 1995 - 2000 : Consultant and founder of the first department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Al Haram Hospital (Cairo Treatment Authority), Al Ahram street, Giza, Egypt. Tel: +202-383-7585
- During 1996: Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Al Obour Hospital (Health Insurance Authority), Kafr Al Sheikh, Egypt.
- 1995 - 2000 : Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery, El Fayroz Hospital, 25 Gamal Salem st, Dokki, Giza, EGYPT. Tel: +202-360001, +202-360002 , Fax: +202-3350575
- 2000-201 :Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery, As-Salam International Hospital,
Corniche El-Nile, P.O. Box 388, Maadi, Cairo, EGYPT (1995 -1997).
Tel: +202-3638050 Fax: +202-3623500
- * 1995 - 2000 : Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery , Al Hekma Hospital, 18 Al Rasheedy street, Moneera, Sayeda Zeinab, Cairo, EGYPT. Tel: +202-3680200, +202-3687076
- 2001: Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery , Al Amal Hospital, Port Said, Egypt.
Mailing Address: 12 Salah Salem street, Port Said, Egypt, Tel:+20-66-344908
Refer to Director: Dr. Al Tabeiy Mohammad Hussein, Cellular tel: +20-12-4263968
International posts:
- International fellow in Cardiac Surgery (Conventional coronary bypass surgery), San Donato Hospital, Milan, Italy (July 1996 - March, 1997).
- International fellow in Cardiac Surgery (Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery) McGill University, Montreal, Canada (December 1997 - May 1998).
- International Fellow (cardiothoracoscopic surgical skills for endoscopic coronary bypass grafting) , The MOET Institute, San Francisco, USA (1998).
- Member of the International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiac surgery since 1998.
- Research fellow: Vista Cardiothoracic Surgery, Boston, MA, USA , with focusing on the recent visualization and manipulation technologies for totally endoscopic coronary bypass surgery, 1998.
- Pre-clinical Researcher: Intuitive Surgical Inc., Mountain View, California, USA, performing the pre-clinical studies on Tele-Manipulation , Computer-Assisted Robotic Coronary Bypass Surgery, 1998. During that time, I published the 1st paper in the world on experimental robotic coronary bypass.
- Member of the International Advisory Board, The Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals since January 2002, sharing in the evaluation process of manuscripts submitted for publication in the fore-mentioned Annals.
- Associate Professor and Consultant Surgeon in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine , King Faisal University, Al Khobar, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia from August 2002 to August 2004. During the academic year 2004, I was given the responsibility of “Head of Unit of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery”. Tel: +966-3-8966666 # 1114 & +966-3-8966745 (direct)
- Member of the Pan-Arab Federation of Evidence Based Medicine since 2006.
- *Consultant & Chief of Cardiac Surgery Department, Prince Sultan Cardiac Center, Qasim, Saudi Arabia. (June 2006 – December 2007).
- Delegate of Egypt to the Euro Asian Bridge of Cardiothoracic Surgery since established in 2006 till date.
Medical & Surgical Licenses:
1- License to practice medicine and surgery from the Egyptian Ministry of Health since 1987.
2- License of (Consultant in Cadiothoracic Surgery) from The Egyptian Medical Syndicate since 1995.
3- License of The Saudi Association for Health Specialties as (Consultant in Cadiothoracic Surgery) since 2002.
Activities within the Faculty of Medicine – Cairo University:
1- Teaching (Theoretical & Clinical) of final year medical students.
2- Supervising Master and MD theses and essays.
3- Sharing in the training of Cardiothoracic Surgery residents.
4- Directing and organizing the departmental periodical scientific meetings (done on monthly basis).
5- Participating in all surgical workshop organized by the department during visits of foreign surgeons.
6- Operating on patients admitted to the department.
7- Participating in the arrangement of the M.D. & M.Sc. exams in the department.
Activities related to the specialty within Egypt:
1- Member of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery since its establishment.
2- Attendance of all the meetings related to Cardiology, chest and cardiothoracic surgery.
3- I was assigned the General Secretary of The 8th (2001) and as chief of organizing committee of the 13th (2006) Annual conferences of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery ( ).
Specific activities related to establishment of new cardiothoracic surgery departments:
1- Establishing the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Al Haram Hospital, MOH, Egypt.
2- Establishing the Unit of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Al Fayrouz private hospital, Giza, Egypt.
3- Establishing the Unit of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Giza Chest hospital, Giza, Egypt.
4- Establishing the Unit of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Aal Mahmoud private hospital, Maadi, Cairo.
5- Establishing the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Bany Swaif University, Bany Swaif, Egypt.
6- Renovation and establishment of system, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 6th of October
University, 6th of October city, Egypt.
7- Establishing the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Misr University for Science & technology, 6th
of October city, Giza, Egypt.
Activities outside Egypt:
Attending several international meetings in Cardiothoracic Surgery over the year, especially:
1- The annual meeting of The European Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery.
2- The Annual Meeting of The American Association of Thoracic Surgery.
3- The Cardiothoracic Techniques and Technologies (prior to the AATS meeting).
4- The Annual Meeting of The Saudi Heart Association.
Published Papers ( to date ):
(1) Amr Bastawisy & Hani Shennib :
Towards Totally Endoscopic CABG; Enabling Visualization and Instrumentation Technology.
Presented at the annual meeting of the ISMICS (International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1998 and published in the Journal of the Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vol VI, No. 1, January 1998.
(2) Hani Shennib, Amr Bastawisy , Michael Mack, Frederick Moll:
Computer -assisted telemanipulation : an enabling technology for endoscopic coronary artery bypass.
Ann. Thorac Surg 1998, Sep ; 66(3) : 1060-3 .
(3) Hani Shennib, Amr Bastawisy , joan McLoughlin & Frederick Mol :
Robotic computer - assisted telemanipulation enhances coronary artery bypass.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1999 , Feb;117(2):310-3.
(4) Hani Shennib & Amr Bastawisy :
Coronary artery bypass on the beating heart: A simple technique for subluxating the heart.
Ann Thorac Surg 1999;67:870-1 .
(5) Amr Bastawisy :
Minimally invasive saphenous vein harvest for CABG; A new, simple and reliable technique.
Presented at the annual meeting of the Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo,
Egypt, February 1999 and published in The Journal of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery,Vol VI, No. 1, January, 1998.
(6) Amr Bastawisy , Samieh Amer, Sherif Al Mangoury and Ihab Al Shihy :
Echocardiographic Evaluation of Diastolic Dysfunction before and after Successful Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.
Presented at The 7th Annual meeting of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo, Egypt.
February, 8, 2000.
(7)Samieh Amer and Amr Bastawisy :
Role of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery in Management of Intrathoracic Tumors.
Presented at The First Surgical Oncology Department meeting, National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt . April, 20, 2000 and published in The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vol VI, No. 1, January, 1998.
(8) Samieh Amer & Amr Bastawisy :
Bi-atrial - Trans-septal approach for surgical excision of left atrial myxomas, experience of 11 cases.
Published in The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vol VI, No. 1, January,1998.
(9) El Dayan A., Bastawisy A. , Gado A., Hagras M. and Radwan M. :
Postoperative Use of Prostacyclin (PGI 2) and other pulmonary vasodilators After Surgery for Hypertensive VSD; Kasr Al Aini Experience. J. of Egypt. Society of Cardiothorac. Surg. 2001, Vol. IX September No. 4. and Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, March, 2001, Sharm Al Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt.
(10) Ashraf Helal, Yasser Menaissy, Diaa Abol Soud, Amr Bastawisy and Ihab El Shihy:
Tracheal resection and Reconstruction; Experience with 20 cases.
Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, March, 2001, Sharm Al Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt
(11) Samieh Amer, Amr Bastawisy and Ihab El Shihy :
The Use of Pleuroperitoneal Shunts for The Management of Recurrent Malignant Pleural
Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, March, 2001, Sharm Al Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt.
(12) Amr Bastawisy , MD:
Bilateral Internal Mammary Arteries and Radial Artery; Grafts of Choice For Total Arterial Revascularization In Non-Diabetics With Three Vessels Disease. Early experience.
Published in Kasr El Aini Medical Journal, Vol. 10, NO 6, September, 2004 and Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, March, 2001, Sharm Al Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt .
(13) Mohammad Ahmed Helmy, Amr Bastawisy, Nasser Rasmy, Samieh Amer and El Sayed
Akl: Early experience and mid-term results of Toronto stentless tissue valve for aortic valve replacement. Kasr El Aini Medical Journal. Vol 11, No. 1, January supplement, 2005.
Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of The Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic
Surgery, March, 2001, Sharm Al Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt and published in Kasr El Aini Medical Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2005.
(14) Amr Bastawisy, MD:
Predicting Postoperative Outcome of Transsternal Thymectomy for Myasthenia
Gravis : Results in 20 cases. (Accepted for publication on 2nd of March 2004) and published in Kasr El Aini Medical Journal, Vol. 10, No 6, December 2004
(15) Amr Bastawisy MD, Hasan Al Sisi MD, Mohamed Helmy MD, Mostafa El
Sabban MD and Samieh Amer, MD
Results and Predictors of Mid-Term Outcome After Triple Valve Surgery For
Rheumatic Heart Disease. (Accepted for publication on: 3rd of August, 2004).
Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, Vol. 10, No. 7, January 2005
(16) On-pump Versus Off-Pump CABG: Study Of Platelet Activation
Hesham Zayed Saleh, Mohammad Magdy Gomaa, Naguib Zoheir
Mostafa and Amr Bastawisy. Published in Kasr Al Aini Journal of Surgery, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2005.
(17) Bicuspidization Versus Segmental Annuloplasty in Tricuspid Valve Repair
Amr Bastawisy, Marwan Mohammad , Mohamed Adel and Hussein Gaafar.
Published in Kasr Al Aini Journal of Surgery, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2005.
(18) Case report:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Left Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm: Is it Diagnostic? Fahad Al Qahtamni, Khaled Moghazy, Mohammad Fakhry Abdul Mohsen, Amr Bastawisy and Hazem Zakaria: The Egyptian Heart Journal. Volume 56, no. 1, March 2004.
(19) Blood loss & transfusion requirements in on-pump versus off-pump CABG.
Hesham Zayed Saleh, Mohamed Magdy Gomaa, Naguib Zoheir Mostafa and Amr Bastawisy. Presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of The Egyptian society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo, Egypt, March 2006.
Academic References:
- Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al Azzazy, President, Misr University for Science & Technology
Mobile no: 0122-2100854 .
- Prof. Dr. Mokhtar Al Zawahry, Vice President for Student Affairs, Misr University for Science & Technology. Mobile no: +201223689860 , +201222900077 .
- Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al Saadany, Former Vice President for Research, Misr University for Science & Technology. Mob. No. : +201222665101.
- Prof. Dr. Mohammad Moustafa, Vice President for Research, Misr University for Science & Technology. Mob. No.: +201225495473 .
- Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mohsen Ismail, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, Misr University for Science & Technology. Mob. No.: +201001662385 .
- Prof. Dr. Gaafar Qenawy, Chairman, G&O, Vice Dean for community Services, , Faculty of Medicine, Misr University for Science & Technology.
Mobile no: 0122-1009122 .
- Prof. Mohammad Bin Rashed Al Fagih, Clinical Professor, Cardiac Surgery, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia/ Adjunct Professor, Cardiopulmonary Sciences, Loma Linda, USA/Medical Superintendent, Dallah Healthcare Co. Address: Dallah Hospital, Al-Nakheel Street, PO Box 87833, Riyadh 11652 ,Saudi Arabia. Mobile: +966 (50) 5468811 . Office: +966 (1) 4702777 # 1107.
E mail:
- Dr. Magdy Gomaa: Former Professor & Chairman, , Department of cardiothoracic
surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.
Mailing Address: Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo University Hospitals
(Kasr Al Aini), Third floor, section 24. Al Manial, Cairo, Egypt.
Tel: +202-3607099 . Cellular Tel: +20-12-213-5377.
E mail:
- Dr. Samieh Amer: Professor, Department of Cardiothoracic surgery, Faculty of
Medicine, Cairo University. Former Medical Consulate of Egypt to UK.
Mailing address: 55 Abdul Monem Reyadh street , Mohandessein, Giza, EGYPT.
Tel: +447764567990 & +2010-5030955 . Cellular Tel: +20-10-5030955
- Dr. Majed Al Awami: Associate Professor in Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, and
Chairman of the department of Surgery, College of Medicine, King Faisal
University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Tel: +966 (5) 5855068, E mail:
- Dr. Hussein Gaafar: Professor and former chairman of the department of
cardiothoracic surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.
Mailing address: 26 Mahmoud Bassiouny st., Cairo ,Egypt.
Tel: +202-5759138
Fax: +202-5754785
- Dr. Foad Al Nawawy: Professor in Internal Medicine, Cairo University
Former general director, the New Kasr Al Aini Teaching Hospital (1200 beds)
Former Minister of Health, Arab Republic of Egypt
Mailing address: 37 Emad Al Deen ST. Cairo, Egypt.
Tel: +202-5900080 . Cellular Tel: +20-12-317-0670
- Dr. Alessandro Frigiola: Chief surgeon, division A of cardiac surgery, San Donato
Hospital, Milan, Italy. Mailing address: Ospedale Clinicizzato San Donato, Via Morandi, 30, 20097,
San Donato Milanese, Milano, Italia. Tel: +3902-52774519 , Fax: +3902-55602262
- Dr. Lorenzo Mennicanti: Chief Surgeon, division B of cardiac surgery, San Donato Hospital, Milan, Italy. Mailing address: Ospedale Clinicizzato San Donato, Via Morandi, 30 , 20097, San Donato Milanese, Milano, Italia, Tel: +3902-52774519 , Fax: +3902-55602262
- Dr. Hani Shennib: Associate professor in Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, The Montreal General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Mailing address: 1650 Cedar avenue, suite L9-121, H3G 1A4, Montreal , Quebec, Canada. Tel: +1514-9348099 , Fax: +1514-9348235 .
- Dr. Zoltan Szabo, Ph.D., F.I.C.S.: Director of the MOET Institute (microsurgery and operative endoscopy training), San Francisco, California, USA. Mailing address: 153 States street, San Francisco, California, 94114, USA. Tel: +1415-626-3400 , Fax: +1415-626-3444
- Mr. Michail M. Pankratov: Director of Clinical Affairs, VISTA Cardiothoracic Surgery. Mailing Address: 134 Flanders Road, Westborough, MA 01581 . Tel : +1508-366-3668 x 42 , Fax: +1508-366-1543 , Pager: +1800-218-0207
- Dr. Frederic Moll, M.D. : Medical Director, Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Mailing address: 1340 W.Middlefield road, Mountainview, California 94043, USA. Tel: +1650-237-7002 ,
Fax: +1650-526-2060. E mail:
- Miss Joan McLoughlin, RN: Marketing Director, NTERO company, Palo Alto, California, Former Clinical Programs Manager, Intuitive Surgical , Inc. Mailing address: 1137D San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA. Tel: +1 (650) 428-1000 x 121 , Fax: +1(650) 428-0700, Cellular Tel: +1 (650) 400-5911. E mail:
- Dr. Ayman Al Sayed Salem: Professor & Chairman of pulmonology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. Mailing address: 4 Roshdy street, AL Mesaha, Bab Al Looq, Cairo, Egypt.
Tel: +20 (10) 1019103 . E mail:
References (Public Figures):
- Major General (War Brigade) Mohammad Al Zamalot, New Valley Governor (Mobile number: +201022544022).
- Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, 6th of October University, Former Governer of Fayoum (Mobile: +201222105509).
- Dr. Mohammad Badr, Former Luxor Governor (Mob. No.: +20115555529 & +201020600001 & +201028988840).
- Major General (War Brigade) Ahmed Ibraheem, Aswan Governor (Mob. No. +201222404925).
- Major General Saeed Hegazy, Vice Governor, Aswan (Mob. No. +201222443333).
- Major General (War Brigade) Khaled Fouda, South Sinai Governor , (Mobile: +2010000226666).
- Major General (War Brigade) Ahmed Abdullah , Red Sea Governor (Tel: +20653551111).
- Major General (War Brigade) Khaled Megawer, Former Chief Commander, Egypt Second Army (Tel. Number not available).
- Major General (War Brigade) Abdul Fattah Harhour, Former North Sinai Governor (Mob. Number of his ofice director , Brigadier-General Mohammad Abdul Monem +201005000719 & +201226243230).
- Major General (War Brigade) Mohammad Raafat Al Dash, Former Chief Commander, Egypt Third Army (Tel. Number to be requested).
- Major General (War Brigade) Rafeeq Raafat Arafat, Current Chief Commander, Egypt Third Army (Tel. Number to be requested).
- Major General (War Brigade) Ezz Al Deen Hussein, Current Vice Commander, Egypt Army Artillery (Tel. Number to be requested).
- Brigadier-General Abdul Rahman Wahdan, Current Chief Commander, Third Army Artillary.
- Major General (War Brigade) Mohammad Saber, Vice Commander, The Common Anti-Terrorism Forces of East Canal, Sinai, Egypt (Tel. Number to be requested).
- Brigadier-General Assem Saadoun, Commander, Army Staff, The Common Anti-Terrorism Forces of East Canal, Sinai, Egypt (Tel. Number to be requested).
- Major General (War Brigade) Dr. Ahmed Othman, Chief of Medical Brigade, Egypt third Army (Tel. Number to be requested).
- Major General (War Brigade) Aly Adel Al Ashmawy, Chief Commander The Northern Military District, Egypt Army (Tel. No. To be requested).
- Major General (War Brigade) Dr. Hesham Shaheen, Chief of Medical Brigade, The Northern Military District, Egypt Army (Tel. No. To be requested).